Tag Archives: Monarchy

Will and Kate: An anachronism of faded power

What a nice couple, charming, friendly and the best public relations tool the House of Windsor can produce. They remain a reminder of a tattered, dysfunctional family that is only there by birthright. Also with tons of money that perpetuates the myth that kings and queens are supreme.

What is the benefit to Canadians? Bragging rights to Americans? Yay, Ya we have a monarch, you don’t.

No offense Will and Kate, you are the new royal superstars. You alone will bring the common touch to the job with your open and friendly style. But is it too late for Canadians to accept the British royal family?

What makes one gag is the homage the Royal Tour media dispels with sappy coverage and superficial commentary including the constant and monotonous fashion reference to what Kate is wearing. A stunning young woman, Kate will eclipse her deceased mother-in-law as the people’s princess.

Canadians wish the couple well, including the majority of Quebecers.

But when you look back on the previous generation of Windsors you can only sigh and wish they would go away. Take Will’s father, the incoming King and philanderer, plus his brother and sister both divorced and arrogant in the process.

A trail of sibling sexcapades over which the Queen has had to deal with along with the glowering Duke of Edinborough, has made the House of Windsor a long running Brit soap opera.

Here’s a suggestion: Appoint William Governor General of Canada when David Johnson’s term expires. Will and Kate would fit right in with us. They are young and vibrant and would bring an excitement to our country further uniting our multicultural mosaic.

Will has lots of time. His route to becoming king is well down the road … he has two ahead of him.

If we have to have a monarchy, better to have it with Will and Kate. At least for a while.

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Filed under Between the Lines