Media Watch

Posted June 2, 2012

There but I go but for the grace of God category.

Mercury Managing editor Phil Andrews, in his weekly homespun column regaled about the demanding calendar of events the paper covered this week. Only problem was he credited Toshiba with bringing new jobs to Guelph. Slight problem but it was Hitachi that made that announcement. It is great news but no doubt he will be hearing from Mr. Hitachi.

On a more somber note, the Mercury ran a front-page blow-up of a button produced by the Planned Parent organization. The majority copy on the button stated “Homophobia Sucks”. It was inappropriate and a serious mistake in editorial judgment.

The Mercurygot this right

In an editorial May 30th  the Mercury pointed out that it was ironic that the University of Guelph’s Central Student Association would voice support and attendance at the three-month old Quebec student’s protests. At the same time they remain mute on the university’s plan to increase tuition to the maximum in the coming year.

Have we come to partially educated students protesting at whim?

It is noted that the Quebec students in the sciences and engineering are not taking part in smoke-bombing the Montreal subway etcetera. They are smart enough to realize that graduating is the target, not trying to force political change in the province. Why in hell do we care?

Why is the city buying non-legal ads in the Tribune?

Legal advertisements must be published in the local media. But the city administration buys pages of ads admonishing dog owners, gardeners and road construction. These are comingled with the required legal ads such as planning changes, requests for re-zoning, bylaw announcements.

The interesting part is why these ads do not appear in the daily Mercury?

The estimated bill for this is $500,000 a year.

Excuse me while I shut off my lawn sprinkler.


Filed under Between the Lines

2 responses to “Media Watch

  1. Jame

    The reason it all ends up in the Tribune is because the RFP, the Tribune came up CHEAPER on the bid for taking the City Ad Pages.

    • Jame: It was a numbers game several years ago. Both papers in town have the same corporate ownership. Naturally the Tribune would win the RFP because its space is cheaper than The Mercury and its circulation (albeit unpaid) is three times that of the Mercury, a paid publication. But now a new player has entered the market with Sun Media distributing the Guelph Review. First glance is that it is another advertising vehicle with light weight content. Stay tuned.

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