A sense of entitlement savages America’s morality

Sunday, November 13 marked the moral breakdown among trusted American institutions.

The most dominating news was the growing despair of a respected and revered U.S. University imploding over a scandal of young boys being lured and sodomized by an assistant coach of the football team.

The back-story was the ten-year cover-up by Penn State officials including the head coach, Joe Paterno, the athletic director and even the university president. Testimony before a grand jury revealed that a member of the athletic staff witnessed a ten-year old boy being sexually assaulted in the shower in the athletic complex of the institution.

This individual told his father but not any official or police. This occurred in 2003. This occurred under the very noses of University officials. With knowledge in some cases, of this predator’s activities, of sexually assaulting his charges, the establishment looked the other way.

Charged with the offense is Jerry Sandusky. A judge released him on $100,000 bail with the prosecution failing to demand keeping the man in custody while the investigation takes place. It now turns out that the judge had been a supporter and volunteer of Sandusky’s charity called the Second Mile in which young boys were counseled and mentored.

Sandusky acted like a bull in a meadow of heifers.

But is it any different that members of Congress can legally use non-public information to make investments to enhance their personal fortunes? As the TV news magazine show 60 minutes revealed Sunday night, members of Congress are not required to place their assets in a blind trust, as is the case with the President and members of the Supreme Court.

Three Speakers of the House were named in the report of having capitalized on inside information that preceded legislation. Speakers Dennis Hastert, Nancy Pelosi and John Boehner allegedly made money trading stock at prices which would be affected when legislation was made public.

Two of three three denied the charges by stating the decision to buy or sell was made by financial advisors. It’s a shallow excuse and unworthy of these individuals who hold such a high public office.

The question remains that how many other members of Congress line their pockets using inside information?

Attempts have been made to correct this unfair situation to no avail. Why would Congress kill the golden goose?

And people wonder why there is little or no respect for those holding public office.

These two revelations point to a sickness that can only be corrected by cleaning house of those in power. Those who feel a sense of entitlement to abuse their privilege of serving the public feel impregnable.

Is it no surprise that the “Occupy Wall Street” movement has reached across the country? Thousands are protesting the elected privileged feeding at the public trough and looking the other way when a predator has his way with little boys.

It will take some brave members of Congress to enact a bill to stop members using inside information to make money. Any elected member of government should place their assets in a blind trust during their tenure in office.

In the case of Penn State, the administration should come under control of the Pennsylvania Attorney General until all the investigations are complete or at the call of the governor.

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Filed under Between the Lines

One response to “A sense of entitlement savages America’s morality

  1. This is an absolutely gross case. No room on the planet for these type of people.

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